Welcome to the Muir Lake School Lunch web site. On this site parents will be able to place lunch orders for their children. This program is reset at the beginning of every new school year, so you will need to reregister.
We believe that by involving and informing parents we will have a more supportive and effective school environment for our children. It is up to us to work together to ensure our children have the best possible school experience.
Here’s How:
Go to www.muirlakeschool.hotlunches.net
Click the “REGISTER” menu at the top right hand corner to sign up. Our school code is MLHL.
Enter your name, email address and phone, then a user ID (ex. your email address) that you will use for access to the lunch application. Enter a password and then enter it again to verify that it is correct.
Once registered, you will be logged into the website
Please add your students by clicking on the “STUDENTS” button below or the “PROFILE” menu tab in order to proceed. Once your students have been added to the system you will be able to place lunch orders immediately by clicking the “Order” button below each child’s name.
Not participating in the lunch program? We encourage you to register even if your child does not participate so that you are able to participate in the other Fundraisers. Log-in and hit the "HOME" or "LOGIN" tab to go to fundraising, User ID & password are the same as your lunch one.
We accept payment through our online payment portal Bambora only. Unpaid orders are cancelled at order deadline.
Still have questions, Email us at muirlakelunches@gmail.com. For hot lunch questions, please email info@bitetoteat.ca.
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